The Shadows Trilogy Box Set: A Christian Romance Read online

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  He turned and thumped his hand against the wall.

  “God help me, Elizabeth. I’m going to need patience.”

  Lizzy needed to sit down. She felt faint. The last time she’d seen Daniel like this was the day they’d stormed out of her parent’s place at Christmastime. Her heart fell as she recalled that moment.

  It wasn’t as if he’d done anything wrong. Her mother and father, particularly her father, were snobs. How they professed to be Christians was beyond her.

  They were an intimidating couple at the best of times. She thought Daniel had handled himself very well. but they’d obviously thought differently.

  “He’s just an uncouth Irishman, Elizabeth,” her father had said as they stood in the morning room where she’d been summoned half an hour earlier. “I don’t know why you’re wasting your time with him.” She held her hands together to stop them from shaking. His cold eyes were fixed on hers and he looked her up and down before continuing.

  “For God’s sake, Elizabeth, we’ve brought you up better than this. Find yourself a real man for once.” Roger threw his hands up in despair. “First you gallivant around with a Theology Student and now you degrade yourself with this, this….” He turned and looked at her mother, who’d been standing there allowing him to continue with his tirade. Lizzy was disgusted.

  “You deal with her, Gwyneth. I can’t handle this ludicrous nonsense.”

  Lizzy glared at her mother and dared her to continue.

  “It’s not that we don’t like him, Elizabeth. It’s just that we think you can do much better for yourself. Don’t we, dear?” Her mother’s subservience to her father angered her so much.

  Lizzy breathed deeply and tried to control herself. How dare they talk about Daniel like that. She shook her head in disgust and turned away.

  “He’s not welcome here, Elizabeth,” her father said sternly. “Don’t bring him back.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t.” She strode across the room and slammed the door behind her.

  Despite her outward bravado, her hands shook and she burst into tears as she fled for the sanctity of the garden, which was where Daniel found her.

  “What’s wrong with you, sweet girl?” She’d turned her head so he couldn’t see her face, but he sat beside her on the garden bench and made her look at him. More tears fell and he wrapped her in his arms. Lizzy sobbed into his chest, unable to speak. She didn’t want to tell him about the confrontation she’d just had with her parents. They could be so horrible. What wasn’t there to like about Daniel O’Connor? He was funny and outgoing. He was friendly and courteous. He might have drunk a little too much at dinner, but she put that down to nerves. Who wouldn’t be nervous meeting Roger and Gwyneth Walton-Smythe?

  Her sobbing eventually eased, and she lifted her head. Daniel handed her a handkerchief and she dried her tears before facing him. She studied his dark curly hair and his crystal blue eyes. Why did her parents have to ruin everything? She reached out and gently caressed his face with the back of her hand.

  “We’ve got to leave, Daniel.”

  “Why? What’s happened?” The concern in Daniel’s eyes warmed her heart.

  She felt for the cross hanging around her neck.

  “I’ve just had words with Mother and Father.”

  He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

  “What about?”

  She shook her head. How could she tell him?

  “No, I don’t want to repeat it, Daniel. Let’s just go.”

  Lizzy gritted her teeth and dug her fingernails into the palms of her hands. Their eyes locked together for what seemed an eternity.

  “Was it about me?” Daniel finally asked.

  Lizzy lowered her eyes and nodded. Tears began to well up again, and one after the other rolled down her cheek.

  “What did they say, Lizzy?”

  She sniffed, and wiped her face before slowly lifting her head. She couldn’t speak.

  Daniel’s eyes had darkened, and his brow was furrowed. Lizzy’s heart thumped in her chest. What would his reaction be if she told him? She couldn’t imagine him accepting it happily. Who would? Maybe she should just tell him. Get it out in the open. It said more about her parents than anything else, although it would still be hurtful.

  “Lizzy?” Daniel tilted his head.

  She breathed in deeply and swallowed. Oh God, please help me. “They said I’m not to bring you back here.”

  Daniel leaned back and placed his hands on his thighs. His face darkened and his whole body tensed. Lizzy waited for the explosion.

  “The two faced hypocrites. Who do they think they are! I’ve been nothing but nice to them. If they didn’t like me, they should have told me to my face, not via you. I’ve a good mind to have it out with them.” He jumped up and pummelled his fist into his other hand. A vein in his forehead pulsed.

  She pulled on his arm.

  “No Daniel. Let’s just go. It would only make it worse if you saw them.” She paused, hoping he’d see sense and calm down. She could only imagine the scene that would erupt if he confronted them.

  Her eyes pleaded with him. “Please Daniel. Please.”

  Daniel’s breathing calmed a little, but she didn’t like the steely look on his face.

  She placed herself in front of him and grabbed both his hands. Her heart thumped as she looked into his eyes.

  “Daniel, I won’t be coming back either. Let’s go.”

  Lizzy exhaled slowly as she felt the tension in his body fall away. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. She rested her head against his chest. Did she really mean what she’d just said? Could she choose Daniel over her parents? At this moment, yes, she could. Daniel loved her. She felt safe wrapped in his arms. Her father had never hugged her or made her feel loved. To him, she was just someone to control, to manipulate. Not the precious daughter she longed to be. No, she’d choose Daniel any day.

  They held hands as they re-entered the house to collect their belongings. If she’d seen either of her parents, Lizzy would have turned away from them, but they were nowhere to be seen.

  Taking one last look at the home she’d grown up in as they drove back down the driveway, Lizzy turned to Daniel and smiled, willing her tears to disappear.

  Just outside the gates of Wiveliscombe Manor, Daniel stopped the car and took her hands in his.

  She looked at him with puzzled eyes. “What are we doing, Daniel?”

  “Shh.” He lifted his right hand and slid a finger along her chin and traced her face slowly, all the way to the corner of her eye. The touch of his finger made her weak.

  “Lizzy, I love you. I feel very honoured you chose me over your parents. I hope you won’t regret it.”

  Lizzy shook her head slowly, captivated by his mesmerizing eyes.

  “From the moment I saw you at Nessa’s party, I knew you were the one for me. I know your parents don’t think I’m good enough for you, but Lizzy, I love you, and I want to marry you.” He squeezed her hand gently as he took a deep breath. “Lizzy, will you marry me?”

  Lizzy’s mouth fell open and her hand flew to her chest.

  “Oh Daniel. Do you really mean it? Are you really sure?” She could hardly speak.

  “Sure as I could be about anything.”

  She gazed into his eyes. Was this really happening? Did she love him enough to marry him? Could she say yes, knowing her parents would have nothing more to do with them? Knowing his relationship with God was doubtful? But he loved her, and he’d made her forget Mathew. If she said no, what would happen? Would he leave her? If he did, she’d be beyond despair. Her mind was made up.

  “Yes Daniel. I’ll marry you.”

  Lizzy pulled her towel tighter and looked up at Daniel, her eyes pleading with him to calm down.

  “It had to happen sometime, Daniel. We knew that. We couldn’t hide it forever.” Her gaze lowered to her wedding ring. What would they say?

  Daniel pulled her up and wrapped her in his

  “I’m sorry, sweet girl,” he whispered as he kissed her neck. “We’ll get through this.”

  It was going to be a long week, but at least they had each other.

  The other event was much happier. Unbeknown to Daniel, Lizzy had booked a doctor’s appointment for that afternoon. She’d told him she’d be a little late as she had a few errands to do, and that she’d make her own way home.

  She had her suspicions. She’d been sick just about every morning for the past two weeks, although she’d tried to hide it from Daniel.

  Lizzy poured herself a second glass of water while she waited in the doctor’s surgery. She couldn’t sit still for long. Why did doctors always run late? Finally it was her turn. Dr Richardson poked her head in the door and looked around at the waiting patients.

  “Elizabeth O’Connor?”

  Lizzy nodded and stood, and followed the doctor into her consulting room. She took a seat, and clutched her hands together.

  The doctor gazed at Lizzy over the top of her glasses. “Well, young lady, your test has come back positive. You’re going to be a mother. Congratulations!”

  Lizzy’s hand flew to her chest. She couldn’t believe it. She was expecting!

  “I hope your husband will be pleased,” the doctor said.

  “Oh yes, I’m sure he will be. I’ll go home and tell him straight away. How far am I?”

  “Eight weeks. And everything looks fine, but you need to come back for a check-up in two weeks’ time.”

  Lizzy walked on air as she left the surgery. Surely this news would make it easier with her parents. It couldn’t have happened at a better time. She thanked God for this miracle on her way home, and apologized for neglecting Him of late.

  She couldn’t wait to tell Daniel the news. He’d be so excited. She stopped at Tesco on her way home and picked out a nice piece of meat to cook for dinner to celebrate. She pictured it in her mind. Some pretty flowers picked from the garden in front of the apartment block to brighten their table, and a candle or two lit to create a romantic atmosphere. Quiet music playing in the background. She’d hold his hand, look into his eyes, and tell him he was going to be a father. His eyes would twinkle, and he’d wrap her in his arms and kiss her passionately. He doesn’t need an excuse to do that. She giggled as she walked to the bus stop.

  The bus ride home was uncomfortable. Friday afternoon rush hour, and there was no spare seat. If only the people around her knew she was a mother-to-be maybe she would have been offered one, but it was early days, and it definitely wasn’t obvious yet to anyone apart from herself. And she really didn’t need a seat. She was young, fit and healthy, but the smell of body odour from the man in front of her made her feel nauseous. She didn’t want to make a spectacle of herself, so she peered out the window as best she could to take her mind off it.

  The day had certainly thrown up some surprises. Whilst she’d been almost certain the doctor would officially announce her pregnant, the news that her parents were visiting next Saturday was a shock. She’d played the scene over in her mind a hundred times or more already, but she still didn’t know how she would tell them their daughter had run off and married the man they’d evicted from their home only months before, and that they were also going to be grandparents.

  The gardeners had been busy, and the array of spring blooms adorning the footpath was enough to brighten anyone’s day. Lizzy checked to make sure no-one was watching, and quickly picked a few brightly coloured geraniums and petunias before heading upstairs to the apartment. She hoped Daniel had stopped for a pint on the way home, as she wanted to have everything ready before he arrived. She wanted it to be perfect.

  The apartment was quiet when she entered a few seconds later. It didn’t take her long to unpack the groceries and put the meat in the oven. Walking into her bedroom to change out of her work clothes, she thought about what she should wear. Maybe the long Indian skirt she’d worn the night they met? Or perhaps the low cut summer shift she’d bought recently but hadn’t worn yet. She decided on the shift. Maybe she’d even wear a little make-up. Yes, some blusher, mascara and lipstick. Not bad, Lizzy thought, as she stepped away from the mirror to get a better look. Should I put my hair up? She twisted it into a messy bun and secured it with a clip. Yes, that’s better. She ran her fingers over her neck and down her chest, and closed her eyes, imagining they were Daniel’s hands caressing her. She sighed in anticipation.

  The smell of roast meat cooking suddenly hit her and brought her back to reality. She just made it to the toilet in time, and promptly brought up the whole contents of her day’s food intake. She’d heard about morning sickness, but this wasn’t morning. She never knew it would be like this.

  Lizzy cleaned herself up, and headed back to the kitchen with a little less enthusiasm for cooking than before. Nevertheless, she still had important news to impart to Daniel, and so she set about preparing the vegetables and the table in readiness for his imminent arrival.

  Everything was almost ready. She checked the clock. He should be home any minute. One last glance in the mirror. Yes, she still looked okay. A little pale maybe, but still more attractive than normal.

  She put on her favourite music, the one they often made love to. She thought with a giggle that they might not even make it to the table. She glanced at the clock again and checked the meat and vegetables. Very nicely cooked. Maybe she should cut the meat and have it completely ready. It wasn’t a job she liked, but she thought she could do it this time. Lizzy put her apron back on and carefully took the meat out of the oven and placed it onto the cutting tray. She attempted to control her breathing as another wave of nausea hit her. There was nothing left to bring up, or so she thought. Once again, she just made it, but this time she just heaved liquid into the toilet bowl. She almost cried. When will Daniel be home?

  The key in the door woke her, and she pulled herself up with a start. Lizzy didn’t know what time it was, but she knew it was late. She’d turned the lights off hours before, and she must have fallen asleep in front of the television. She touched her eyes and knew they were puffy without even looking at them. Her hair had fallen out of its bun, and hung loose around her shoulders.

  And then she remembered. Daniel hadn’t come home for dinner.

  She peered at him through the semi-darkness. He was trying to take his boots off. He was struggling, but she didn’t get up to help. He was drunk. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Their perfect evening had been ruined.

  He staggered towards the couch, and stopped suddenly when he caught sight of her.

  “Lizzy.” His whole body swayed. “You startled me, girl. What are you doing up?” He lurched forward and almost fell on top of her. She quickly moved out of the way before he landed on the couch beside her.

  He was a mess. She recoiled from the smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol that oozed from his body. Lizzy had never seen him like this before. In fact, she’d never in her whole life been this close to an intoxicated person. She didn’t like what she saw. This wasn’t the Daniel she knew and had fallen in love with. She swallowed hard and fought back her tears.

  “Where have you been, Daniel?” Lizzy narrowed her eyes and breathed heavily.

  “Just havin’ a few drinks wit the boys.” He reached out for her arm, but she pulled away.

  “I think you’ve had more than a few. And you can leave me alone, thank you very much.”

  “Oh Lizzy. I love you when you’re angry.” His eyes closed momentarily but then opened with a start. “I won ten quid.”

  “Well that’s nice. On what, may I ask?”

  “I beat the boys at pool. Ya shoulda seen me…..” His eyes closed again.

  She thought he’d fallen asleep, and she inched herself away from him. She’d almost made it, when he grabbed her and pulled her on top of him.

  “Not so fast, Mrs O’Connor.” His breath on her face made her queasy. “You haven’t finished for the night. Come ‘ere an give yur ole man some love.” Lizzy recoi
led as he fondled her breasts and tried to undress her. She resisted as much as she could, but he was strong. Stronger than normal. Maybe it was the drink. She succumbed and gave him what he wanted. But her heart and body were numb.

  Chapter Five

  During Lizzy’s disturbed night, images of Mathew floated through her mind, and she didn’t stop them. In fact, she relished them. Somehow they helped that horrid night to pass. Mathew would never have come home drunk. He didn’t drink.

  Lizzy allowed herself to relive the week she’d spent at his home in Portsmouth, almost three years ago.

  Having counted the days until she could see him again, Lizzy’s heart burst with anticipation and excitement as the day finally came, and she drove the hundred or so miles from her family home in Taunton, where she’d spent most of the summer break, to Portsmouth, where his mother lived.

  She tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach as she parked her car in front of his home, a semi-detached, less than ten paces wide, three streets from the harbour. For a few moments, Lizzy sat and studied the house, pulling herself together before she climbed out of the car and walked to the front gate. A whiff of fresh paint suggested that Mrs Carter, Hilary, had been doing some last minute preparations for her visit.

  Taking a deep breath, Lizzy straightened her skirt and rang the bell. Her eyes lit up as Mathew opened the door. They gazed at each other for a moment, and then he smiled and hugged her. All the tension in Lizzy’s body floated away as she hugged him back.

  “So good to see you, Lizzy.” His eyes sparkled and Lizzy’s heart warmed. “Come on in. Mum’s waiting to meet you.”

  He took her hand and she followed him into the tiniest kitchen she’d ever seen, well, apart from the one in her bed-sit accommodation at college, but that didn’t count. And there she was. The mother she’d heard so much about. The mother who’d raised her two boys alone after their father had died in a traffic accident years ago. The mother who’d brought them up in the ways of the Lord and encouraged them both to go to Bible College to study for the ministry.